Hi everyone,
There is no rest for the weary. As many of you already know, I have been working non-stop meeting with people and different organizations discussing my solutions to our affordable housing crisis, gun violence and crime, our increasing unhoused populations and other quality of life issues.
I was interviewed by WBNS-TV today which should air this evening and WSYX also interviewed me regarding my Press Release on Ginther's useless gun buyback event. That interview should air tomorrow.
We have 400 of our 500 yard signs distributed. New campaign literature should be arriving any day now. Billboards will be up in about 5 days and we are preparing to do radio ads. I will be on WBNS-TV's Face the State program on October 29th at 11:30 a.m., and I will interview tomorrow morning on WTVN at 8:35 a.m.
Tomorrow, October 3rd, is the League of Women Voters first candidates forum. It is taking place at the Community Church for All People at 946 Parsons Avenue from 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. I am scheduled to speak at 8:20 p.m. The second event will be held at the Hilltop Library at 511 South Hague Avenue, Oct. 10th from 6:30 p.m top 9 p.m. Unfortunately, if Ginther does not show up, the LWV will not allow me to participate.
Also coming soon - there is a candidates forum and breakfast at the Heritage Baptist Church at 575 Obetz Road on Saturday, October 14th from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
We need volunteers to hand out literature at the Franklin County Board of Elections during early voting. You will find those days and times in our listing of upcoming events at the bottom of our home page on this site. We also need volunteers for lit drop. If you want to canvas your own neighborhood we will provide you with the literature so you can do it at your convenience.
Contributions to the campaign will go a long way right now. We can do more radio time and place more social media ads. Again, donations can be made on this website or checks can be made out to and mailed to:
Motil For Mayor
709 Fairlawn Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43214
Together, we can change the political landscape of Columbus!